Inpatient Rehab Choices in the United States

There are over 1,000 Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) that Medicare and/or Medicaid pay at least partially, if not fully. Total coverage depends on each patient's case and possible additional coverages (Medicare Advantage, Part A, B, and D can all help depending on need). Part A can help with inpatient equipment use, D may help you cover needed precription costs, while B may help you covere Durable Medical Equipment (DME) that you may need at home. Each facility will, typically, have at least one person who can help walk you through all options given your or your love one's needs and coverage(s).

Location pages include patient outcomes, how they compare to national averages, and patient ratings which we encourage you to leave as well, if you have experience good or bad with the rehab facility. This will help other potential patients make an even more informed decision, thanks so much, it really does help!

About Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs)

Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs) offer intensive rehabilitation services to patients recovering from serious illnesses, injuries, or surgeries. These facilities provide a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to care, aiming to maximize recovery and independence.

Your IRFit

Choosing the right IRF is crucial for your rehabilitation journey. Outcomes vs national averages, patient and caretaker ratings are some of the most valuable points to look at, in our opinion.

Our Three Most Recent Artiles

  1. Why to choose, or not choose, an IRF
  2. Technology and IRF
  3. The role of Telemedicine in Rehabilitation Care

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